Master of Divinity Program
The Master of Divinity program (3 years) provides students with a basic ministerial training with a solid foundation in the traditional areas of theology.
The M.Div. curriculum is designed to prepare students for the pastoral leadership role in the local church and other settings although we recognize that some students enroll for personal enrichment and to engage in a variety of ministries.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent, with a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Graduation Requirements
Satisfactorily complete at least 96 semester credits. (57 of which must be completed at Kernel University)
Over 60% of the total credits required for the degree must be completed at Kernel.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the program,
a) Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Christian tradition, including the Scripture and theological traditions of Christian communities of faith.
b) Students will be creatively engaged with the cultural realities within which the church community live and accomplish their missions.
c) Students will grow not only in personal faith and moral integrity but also in ministerial and professional leadership and social and public ethic.
Curriculum Requirement
Major Studies – 72 Credits
Pre-Major Studies – 12 Credits
___BL 510 Greek I
___BL 520 Hebrew I
___NT 500 New Testament Survey
___OT 500 Old Testament Survey
Core Major Studies – 30 Credits
___CH 510/512 Church History I/II
___NT 510/520 Gospels/ Book of Acts
___NT 530/540 Pauline Epistles/ General Epistles
___NT 550 Romans
___NT 570 Life and Teachings of Jesus
___OT 510 Pentateuch
___OT 540/550 Major Prophets/ Minor Prophets
___ST 510 Systematic Theology I
___ST 512 Systematic Theology II
Advanced Studies – 30 Credits
___BL 610/ 620 Greek II/ Hebrew II
___BL 630/640 Exegesis in the NT/ OT
___BS 620 Biblical Hermeneutics
___CH 610/620 American/ Korean Church History
___NT 610/620 Gospel of Luke/ John
___NT 630/650 Hebrew/New Testament Theology
___OT 610 Genesis
___OT 630/640/650 Isaiah/ Jeremiah/ Old Testament Theology
___ST 620/ 530 Christian Apologetics/ World Religion & Cult
Minor Studies – 24 Credits
___CC 510 Christian Counseling
___CC 530 Biblical Counseling
___CC 560 Pastoral Care
___CC 610 Christian Psychology
___CE 510 Christian Education
___CE 520 Spiritual Formation
___CE 550 Youth Ministry
___CE 610 Christian Ethics
___CH 531 Christianity in America
___MI 610 Cross Cultural Ministry
___MI 620 World Mission
___PT 600 Research & Writing
___PT 620 Christian Leadership
___PT 630 Christian Worldview
___PT 680 Homiletics
___PT 680 Capstone
The M. Div. curriculum is designed to be completed in three years, although typically it is completed in three or more years.