Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
The CS degree is designed to provide students with CS courses so that students learn basic CS concepts and principles. Direct practice will be coupled with the CS coursework. This includes the study of computer programming, databases, network, and operating systems. The principles, concepts, and skills necessary for a successful CS career are provided. Students will have opportunities finding employment in the world of computer science, business, computer security, government, information technology or even positions of greater responsibility.
Admission Requirement
Senior High School Diploma or its equivalent
All previous attended college transcripts if applicable
Graduation Requirements
Completion of 120 credits (with at least 80 credit hours at KU)
Minimum total GPA of 2.0
Program Objectives
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science equips the students with a comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of computing. It provides enriching experiences in theoretically grounded problem solving based on an analysis-design-implementation paradigm. This major prepares students to design and develop software systems and computing solutions within a team environment. Students are trained to embark upon successful careers through which they can reach out to the world while serving in secular or faith-based organizations.
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the degree program, students will be able to:
Define the computer science theories and software programs to integrate computing-based systems.
Demonstrate the ability to analyze, model, and solve a complex computing problem.
Evaluate professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on biblical, legal and ethical principles.
Curriculum Requirements (120 credits, 4 years)
General Education: 51 Credit Hours
English and Communication(EC)
EC 110 College English I (Grammar)
EC 120 College English II (Composition)
EC 210 Oral Communication
EC 220 Intercultural Communication
GE 240 Research and Writing
Humanities/ Social Sciences (HS)
HS 110 Introduction to Philosophy
HS 120 Introduction to Sociology
HS 130 Introduction to Psychology
HS 210 Introduction to Ethics
HS 220 Introduction to Humanities
Technologies and Sciences (TS)
TS 110 College Algebra
TS 120 Introduction to Business
TS 130 Introduction to Economics
TS 220 Health and Nutrition Science
PM 310 Introduction to Bible
PM 410 Christian Apologetics
PT 490 Capstone
Mathematics: 9 Credit Hours
MA 150 Calculus
MA 200 Discrete Mathematics
MA 290 Linear Algebra
Required: 45 Credit Hours
CS 100 Introduction to Computer Science
CS 110 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 200 Introduction to Programming
CS 210 C Programming
CS 240 Assembly Language Programming
CS 245 Programming Languages
CS 250 Computer Security
CS 300 Database
CS 320 Operating System
CS 330 Programming and Design
CS 350 Networks
CS 400 Software Engineering
CS 420 Computer Communications
CS 440 Computer Hardware Maintenance
CS 450 Software Engineering Project
Electives: 15 Credit Hours
CS 130 Introduction to Information System
CS 220 Introduction to Web Design
CS 270 Cybersecurity
CS 370 Python Programming
CS 371 Java Programming
CS 372 NET Programming
CS 376 Introduction to Applied Cryptography
CS 421 Systems Design
CS 430 Windows Programming
CS 470 Topics in Computer Science
CS 490 Digital Forensics
TOTAL UNITS…………………………………………… 120