Institutional Mission
University Mission
Kernel University is dedicated to equipping students with academic, professional, and spiritual resources so that they will express and represent Christ – that is to be God-men – who function effectively in their careers, communities, and lives.
University Vision
Equipping God-men who function effectively in their careers, communities and lives God-men: Persons who express God’s attributes through human virtues
Institutional Objectives
Regardless of their program, all students at Kernel University will be equipped with:
* Academic Resources
Academic enrichment as demonstrated by satisfactory academic progress in current and in more advanced degrees
* Professional Resources
Professional development as demonstrated on alumni surveys by professional and volunteer work in students’ fields of study
An enhanced understanding of the purposes for which God designed them as demonstrated by a capstone project based on various assessments (e.g., career and personality tests, spiritual gifts tests, 30 Personality Assessment), a study of opportunities in their field of study, and an overview of the work in their field.
* Spiritual Resources
An understanding of in biblical principles related to meeting and seeking God as demonstrated by a capstone portfolio essay and an interview with a faculty member
A growing commitment to spiritual growth as demonstrated by freshmen, senior and alumni Spiritual Disciplines surveys
Kernel University is a nonprofit religious institution offering degrees and certificates in theological disciplines and has received exempt status (application no. 27006) from California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education under California Education Code (CED) section 94874(e)(1).
Kernel University 2024-2025 Catalog
Kernel University 2023-2024 Catalog